Heat Results

Heat Type

16 Lap Race

Win By



11/28/2015 1:00 PM



Heat Winner: RacerCodyVincent
Best Lap16.009 # of Laps16 Gap from Leader- Average Lap16.45
ProSkill SCORE1305 This Round +/- 75
2nd Place: Racerdriver
Best Lap15.678 # of Laps16 Gap from Leader0.505 Average Lap16.253
ProSkill SCORE1555 This Round +/- 34
3rd Place: RacerVince
Best Lap16.109 # of Laps16 Gap from Leader9.095 Average Lap16.818
ProSkill SCORE1221 This Round +/- 39
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Wesley Stroud 15.983 9.648 16 16.931 1239
5 BRUCE 16.02 10.286 16 16.828 1198
6 val ryks 16.694 10.755 16 17.564 1161
7 rachel 16.145 13.014 16 17.1 1136
8 Antonio 16.767 1L 15 17.925 1138

Lap Times by Racer

(Penalties: 0)
117.848 [4]
217.199 [5]
316.765 [4]
417.758 [4]
516.747 [4]
617.121 [4]
716.77 [4]
816.497 [4]
916.61 [4]
1016.89 [4]
1116.109 [4]
1216.473 [4]
1316.319 [4]
1417.21 [5]
1516.268 [4]
1616.511 [3]
(Penalties: 0)
117.837 [3]
217.467 [4]
318.038 [6]
417.945 [5]
517.792 [7]
617.985 [7]
716.76 [7]
816.389 [7]
916.181 [7]
1016.39 [7]
1116.933 [7]
1216.483 [7]
1316.803 [7]
1416.82 [7]
1516.145 [7]
1617.628 [7]
val ryks
(Penalties: 0)
117.95 [1]
217.065 [2]
317.476 [2]
418.127 [1]
518.105 [1]
617.545 [1]
717.251 [1]
817.461 [2]
917.636 [3]
1017.184 [3]
1117.333 [3]
1217.521 [3]
1317.286 [3]
1416.694 [3]
1517.693 [3]
1618.689 [6]
Wesley Stroud
(Penalties: 0)
118.191 [8]
20 [1]
317.93 [1]
536.602 [6]
615.983 [5]
716.475 [5]
816.545 [5]
916.535 [5]
1016.64 [5]
1116.449 [5]
1216.237 [5]
1316.328 [5]
1416.379 [4]
1516.88 [5]
1616.784 [4]
(Penalties: 0)
117.035 [2]
216.924 [3]
317.005 [3]
416.664 [2]
516.237 [2]
616.288 [2]
716.376 [2]
816.511 [1]
916.755 [1]
1016.33 [1]
1116.123 [1]
1216.14 [1]
1316.066 [1]
1416.196 [1]
1516.533 [1]
1616.009 [1]
(Penalties: 0)
117.834 [5]
217.075 [6]
317.132 [5]
416.426 [3]
515.744 [3]
615.753 [3]
715.902 [3]
815.77 [3]
915.942 [2]
1015.835 [2]
1116.098 [2]
1215.678 [2]
1316.008 [2]
1416.43 [2]
1516.216 [2]
1616.203 [2]
(Penalties: 0)
121.646 [7]
219.716 [8]
318.963 [8]
417.023 [7]
517.343 [8]
617.976 [8]
717.334 [8]
816.807 [8]
917.989 [8]
1016.767 [8]
1117.229 [8]
1217.195 [8]
1318.604 [8]
1417.038 [8]
1517.239 [8]
(Penalties: 0)
117.919 [6]
217.25 [7]
317.118 [7]
417.532 [6]
517.122 [5]
618.355 [6]
716.02 [6]
816.519 [6]
916.201 [6]
1016.25 [6]
1116.54 [6]
1216.229 [6]
1316.168 [6]
1416.701 [6]
1516.78 [6]
1616.539 [5]